
The structure of local government of the Municipal Formation

Kravchenko Andrey Vasilievich

Head of the Municipal Formation the City of Novorossiysk Phone: +7 (8617) 641430 E-mail: novoros@mo.krasnodar.ru

Kalchenko Elvira Alexanderovna

Deputy Head of the Municipal Formation the City of Novorossiysk Phone: +7 (8617) 641942 E-mail: economika_n@mail.ru

Gordievich Elena Sergeevna

Head of the Administration for Municipal Projects and Programs – Project Office Phone: +7 (8617) 646-360 E-mail: novorosinvest@mail.ru

Kolomiychenko Yuliana Yuryevna

Deputy Head of the Administration for Municipal Projects and Programs – Project Office Phone: + 7 (8617) 646-727 E-mail: novorosinvest@mail.ru

Zueva Olga Petrovna

Head of the Investment Department of the of the Administration for Municipal Projects and Programs – Project Office Phone: + 7 (8617) 646-727 E-mail: novorosinvest@mail.ru